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Terpinator® is the original terpene and resin enhancer. Formulated to help provide the building blocks for secondary metabolites, Terpinator® feeds to encourage increased production of terpenes to help heighten aroma and flavor. Terpinator® can be used in conjunction with General-Hydroponics® nutrients or any feed regimen and is compatible with soil, hydroponics, and soilless media.

  • Terpinator™Transports

    After application, Terpinator® travels to plant cells in direct contact with the epidermal layer of the plant.


    Terpinator® is then stored in plant cells, and pushed into storage with the help of bioosmotic potentiators until ready for use.


    Terpinator® helps as a building block for secondary metabolites.


    Providing building blocks for secondary metabolites, Terpinator® may increase trichome counts and productivity through the addition of fertilizer.

Terpinator® Product Label  DOWNLOAD


No,Terpinator®is pH neutral.

Terpinator®will remain stable for two years when sealed and stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. We recommend using Terpinator® within one year of opening. Do not store in areas with average temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not freeze

Terpinator does not contain Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs).

No, Terpinator® does not contain these inputs. Triacontanol supplements can be used alongside Terpinator® if they are part of your feed regimen.

No, Terpinator® is not organic

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